

Another week down and I'm still burning hot with cabin fever. The newness of the town has worn off. Don't get me wrong, I love my job and I love Juneau. But winter time leaves its residents with a shortage of things to do.

There is still Basin Road. Joe and I walked there this morning. The past couple days brought us some new snow. The mountains are once again frosted and glistening white. The coniferous trees are heavy with their newest burden.

Kiwi has so much fun in deep snow. The concept that snowballs disappear when thrown into snow banks still eludes her. She is determined that if she looks long and hard enough, she'll discover that snowball.

The morning was crisp and beautiful. The air feels so fresh and clean in the mountains. I am lucky to have the opportunity to experience such purity. It is so wonderfully relaxing.

Joe introduced me to a flume that he and Kiwi discovered on a mid-week walk. Walking to the flume reminded me of walks with my brother. When he and I were growing up, one of our many favorite outdoor activities was to adventure in the woods behind our house. There was an abandoned cabin and a train tressel nearby. We would sneak around the cabin and whisper our discoveries to one another. One never knew who could be nearby and our discoveries were meant just for us! Walking down to the flume conjured up the same eagerness and curiosity that I often felt as a kid in small town, Ohio.

Joe and I have been brainstorming about ways to enjoy our time during the winter. We have a free week pass to the gym in town. I went yesterday evening after work. I felt so good. Working out. A dry sauna. A perfect way to wind up the week. Joe and I are considering joining the gym when our trial is over. I think it is worth it. I believe I'll also venture over to the ski resort soon. The last time I went skiing, I took around a half hour to get down the slopes once . . . . then I went to the ski lodge (where I had an excellent time). I'm willing to give it another go. Considering my past record, it does not seem promising. Here's where the title of my blog entry is explained: Any thoughts on hobbies for a couple stir crazy kids in Juneau? Please contribute ideas!


  1. Oh, Nikki, I can understand the concept of cabin fever! The ice here is finally supposed to melt a little today. I haven't been anywhere since last Monday, except to go across the road to Dad's.

    I love your pictures. Everything is so beautiful! I laughed at your comment about Kiwi! Puppies are so adorable, aren't they?

    I have been trying to think of hobbies for you and Joe. Do you play chess or backgammon? The two of you could kill a lot of time with either game. Have you made any friends up there? Monopoly and other board and card games come to mind. You could visit the library. I would suggest scrapbooking, but that hobby can be expensive and space-consuming. Of course, you could try cross stitch or knitting. If you need me to send any thing, to help keep you busy, just let me know!

    Maybe you should consider another puppy. I know that my three keep me busy. ;)

    By the way...your post about Clint Eastwood made me laugh! You do know that Mamaw always said that Clint Eastwood could put his boots under her bed any day? Is this a case of like Mother, like Grand-daughter? Have a good week, sweetheart. I look forward to reading your blog. It helps me stay in touch with you, even though you are a bazillion miles away!

  2. Hi Nikki and Joe! Nikki, you write fantastic. How lucky are you to have the brains and talent to be an attorney AND you have another talent, writing! I can understand your boredom with winter. Ask Joe, I moved to the south to get away from the cold boring WI winters. By March each year, if I didn't have a beach vacation planned, I'd be terribly depressed. I think the health club is an excellent start! Exercise some of the boredom away. My thought is, are there any Big Brother or Big Sister type volunteer programs? Kids will take your mind off of alot of things plus your mentoring would be a wonderful thing for them? What about the Humane society...could you guys volunteer a few hours there?? Volunteering is great, as long as the work you do while volunteering is fun. What about a joint educational class you guys can take together, i.e., a second language? How about learning the two of you learning how to make and bottle beer or wine(you can do this at home)? Ok, I'm bored with this email, kidding! If I really have any more ideas, I'll let you know. Joe I love you and Nikki, I hope to meet you very soon. Love Mary/MareMom

  3. Next time I'll check my spelling and grammar prior to hitting submit comment - jeez, I just read my blog and it appears that I've been making wine in the basement and DRINKING while I blog.

  4. Consider taking up an instrument. You can get a really cheap guitar on ebay. Or maybe you could teach yourselves to knit. Seems like some scarves and stuff might come in handy.

    Or, you could grab some board games. Ones like Othello and Blokus are really good for two people.

  5. I second the backgammon idea. I've become a fanatic and I'm not even snow-bound! As a (recovering) anthropologist, you must appreciate this game's ancient history. It's not as easy as Drunk Driver, but it can be just as competitive! xo

  6. Thank you all for your ideas! Knitting is something I want to try again. Dabbled in it a bit when I was growing up. It never stuck then. Enough time has passed to try again. I'm certainly in an apt place to do so. (Becky, an idea for a care package? hint hint!) Joe and I plan to pick up a backgammon board. I've always wanted to learn. Seems simple enough...
