
it just keeps getting better!

It has been a busy, exciting and snowy week for Joe and I.

We started by taking our first hike on Sunday. With all of the snow, and our lack of appropriate attire (boots and snow shoes), we are very limited in options. We found a great little walk though. Basin Road. It was beautiful. The road winds around the base of Mt. Juneau. We walked by an abandoned mine and past the town's water source. How magnificent! We're happy we got out last weekend. We've gotten more than 3' of snow over the past few days, precluding us from accessing any trails this weekend.

My first official day was Monday. I know our culture encourages humility and discourages arrogance. There are, however, times for an exception to the rule. I'm making that time now. I just completed my first week as a paid attorney! I've somehow managed to trick them into thinking I'm a grown up worthy of a real job and a kick ass office. Just look at that view from my desk!

It feels so wonderful. My head is a tad bit larger than usual this week. I cannot help but feel so proud. Proud that I have graduated from law school. Proud to say that I am an attorney. Proud that I did not choose a career based on salary. Proud that I have chosen a field that is very much in line with my principles.

Joe had a great week too. He walked down to the channel on Wednesday to watch the sunrise. It was a rare cloudless day in Juneau.

He became friends with a bartender at our favorite bar. A bar with lots of character and few customers, located in the basement of an old hotel. She--the bartender/friend that is--promised to train him on Saturday night, so he'd be ready to go when an opening occurs. A few people are planning on decreasing their hours, likely leaving room for another. We showed up at the bar last night--Joe, to be trained; me, for a Guinness and a game of pool--only to discover no bartender! She failed to show up for work. The owner was there and encouraged Joe to dive right in! How lucky!

I did a google search in an attempt to find a picture of the bar for the blog. Nothing came up. I'll have to add a photo at a later time. I did, however, find the most raving of reviews regarding the hotel!
"Smells like a urinal that chain smokes. Dirty sheets, broken window in room, fist fights in the hallways at 3:00am. An owner that overcharges up front and desk clerks that claim there isn't anything that can be done because the owner sleeps until noon. I like a good flop house, but this place should be torn down. Want a better deal? Burn a twenty dollar bill and ask someone to punch you in the nose."
Enough said! Joe and I have found our bar! Love it!

Another week down, and Juneau just keeps getting better.


  1. Oh Sweetie! I am so happy that you are so happy! Tell Joe congrats on finding such a great bar to work in...it sounds just perfect! And you'll be a grown-up soon enough...just keep fooling them until that day actually comes!! And the view from your office is great! Love you!!

  2. Hi guys & Kiwi too!
    I love the blog, Jane of course sent the link to me. I'm so happy that you're happy!
    Nikki, I only met you once but I feel that I know you. Jane has talked about you forever...great things. You should feel proud as a peacock! You're living the "dream". You go girl! Tell Joey "Hi". Take care.....Patty

  3. Jenny, I'm sure it won't be too awfully long before I get into the swing of things as far as work goes. But that whole "growing up" thing is definitely for the birds!
