

Another week down and I'm still burning hot with cabin fever. The newness of the town has worn off. Don't get me wrong, I love my job and I love Juneau. But winter time leaves its residents with a shortage of things to do.

There is still Basin Road. Joe and I walked there this morning. The past couple days brought us some new snow. The mountains are once again frosted and glistening white. The coniferous trees are heavy with their newest burden.

Kiwi has so much fun in deep snow. The concept that snowballs disappear when thrown into snow banks still eludes her. She is determined that if she looks long and hard enough, she'll discover that snowball.

The morning was crisp and beautiful. The air feels so fresh and clean in the mountains. I am lucky to have the opportunity to experience such purity. It is so wonderfully relaxing.

Joe introduced me to a flume that he and Kiwi discovered on a mid-week walk. Walking to the flume reminded me of walks with my brother. When he and I were growing up, one of our many favorite outdoor activities was to adventure in the woods behind our house. There was an abandoned cabin and a train tressel nearby. We would sneak around the cabin and whisper our discoveries to one another. One never knew who could be nearby and our discoveries were meant just for us! Walking down to the flume conjured up the same eagerness and curiosity that I often felt as a kid in small town, Ohio.

Joe and I have been brainstorming about ways to enjoy our time during the winter. We have a free week pass to the gym in town. I went yesterday evening after work. I felt so good. Working out. A dry sauna. A perfect way to wind up the week. Joe and I are considering joining the gym when our trial is over. I think it is worth it. I believe I'll also venture over to the ski resort soon. The last time I went skiing, I took around a half hour to get down the slopes once . . . . then I went to the ski lodge (where I had an excellent time). I'm willing to give it another go. Considering my past record, it does not seem promising. Here's where the title of my blog entry is explained: Any thoughts on hobbies for a couple stir crazy kids in Juneau? Please contribute ideas!


a discovery!

I figured it out! It is now possible to see the details of all of the previously posted photos. Just click on a photo for an enlarged view.


movies and cabin fever

There hasn't been too much going on in Juneau this past week. I have been going stir crazy. This no car situation is killing me. Especially when I have a car--one for which I still have monthly payments--sitting in Wisconsin. grrr.

Joe and I saw a couple movies this week. We were limited to the two movies showing in downtown Juneau: Valkyrie and Gran Torino. I like the story of Valkyrie; but, I hate Tom Cruise. So, all in all, a decent movie. I loved Gran Torino. Despite his age, Clint Eastwood is still the man. The movie could be easily criticized for some cliches and a simplistic plot line. However, not every movie needs to qualify for an Oscar to be a great movie (e.g., Fletch Lives). This was great. I cried. Joe said one isn't supposed to cry in a Clint Eastwood movie. I say "pish posh."

It looks like Joe now has the Thursday shifts at the bar. It's a great shift, with pool and poker leagues. Lots of nice folks to fill the tiny bar. As promised, below are a couple pictures of the lovely little watering hole.

I have found blogging to be very therapeutic. It demands of me some time for reflection. Thinking back on this week, I realized, as stated above, that I've been feeling stir crazy. I also realized that I have been feeling preoccupied with work. The latter I chose to omit; no sense in going in to details with the job. Just a lot of very new things all at once. I was just sharing this realization with Joe and he suggested that all three of us go on a walk around town and down to the channel. I think that's a fantastic idea. A nice way to close out the weekend and address my negative emotions. Points for Joe!


honors, glaciers and sunshine!

I appeared before the court last week. Just arraignments; nothing too big. I was very happy to finally get my feet wet. It went really well! No silly mistakes. When I said those first words, "Your Honor," they came out loud, steady and clear. Once they were spoken, my anxiety transitioned into excitement. I suppose it probably takes some narcissistic tendencies to enjoy one's self in such a setting. I had so much fun in the courtroom, confidently demanding the attention of such a revered figure. I hope that the adrenaline does not fade too much with time. I can't believe I get paid to do this!

Joe and I went "out the road" to the glacier this afternoon. It was a gorgeous day. Sunshine, blue skies and warm breezes. It reached about 60 degrees. We took the bus to a mile and a half before the glacier.

Walked down the road.

And right up to the glacier!

Oops... a little too close!

umm... too far...

There we go! Perfect!

How cool is that!? And did you know there are orangutans in Alaska? I didn't either. Craziness. Oh, wait, that's just Joe.

Neat stuff! All in our backyard.

p.s. If you click on the pictures in this entry, you will access the actual size. Make sure to do this at least for the panoramic shot. It's worth it! I just got lucky that clicking enlarges these photos. That hasn't worked for the past couple entries. If anyone can offer some rhyme or reason to this, do tell!


it just keeps getting better!

It has been a busy, exciting and snowy week for Joe and I.

We started by taking our first hike on Sunday. With all of the snow, and our lack of appropriate attire (boots and snow shoes), we are very limited in options. We found a great little walk though. Basin Road. It was beautiful. The road winds around the base of Mt. Juneau. We walked by an abandoned mine and past the town's water source. How magnificent! We're happy we got out last weekend. We've gotten more than 3' of snow over the past few days, precluding us from accessing any trails this weekend.

My first official day was Monday. I know our culture encourages humility and discourages arrogance. There are, however, times for an exception to the rule. I'm making that time now. I just completed my first week as a paid attorney! I've somehow managed to trick them into thinking I'm a grown up worthy of a real job and a kick ass office. Just look at that view from my desk!

It feels so wonderful. My head is a tad bit larger than usual this week. I cannot help but feel so proud. Proud that I have graduated from law school. Proud to say that I am an attorney. Proud that I did not choose a career based on salary. Proud that I have chosen a field that is very much in line with my principles.

Joe had a great week too. He walked down to the channel on Wednesday to watch the sunrise. It was a rare cloudless day in Juneau.

He became friends with a bartender at our favorite bar. A bar with lots of character and few customers, located in the basement of an old hotel. She--the bartender/friend that is--promised to train him on Saturday night, so he'd be ready to go when an opening occurs. A few people are planning on decreasing their hours, likely leaving room for another. We showed up at the bar last night--Joe, to be trained; me, for a Guinness and a game of pool--only to discover no bartender! She failed to show up for work. The owner was there and encouraged Joe to dive right in! How lucky!

I did a google search in an attempt to find a picture of the bar for the blog. Nothing came up. I'll have to add a photo at a later time. I did, however, find the most raving of reviews regarding the hotel!
"Smells like a urinal that chain smokes. Dirty sheets, broken window in room, fist fights in the hallways at 3:00am. An owner that overcharges up front and desk clerks that claim there isn't anything that can be done because the owner sleeps until noon. I like a good flop house, but this place should be torn down. Want a better deal? Burn a twenty dollar bill and ask someone to punch you in the nose."
Enough said! Joe and I have found our bar! Love it!

Another week down, and Juneau just keeps getting better.


the beginning has begun...

That first full day in town, our lives as lords and ladies of Juneau began! With our castle over our heads and the town at our disposal, Joe and I were all smiles. I do believe, however,that Kiwi had us both beat! Just look at that grin.

That afternoon, Joe and I walked all over downtown Juneau. It's small enough that we circled the area a few times.

We walked down our street in town,

up Juneau "sidewalks",

past totemic faces,

and down to the channel,

where we saw bald eagles

and snow-capped mountains.

Beats any meditation. Perfectly at ease. Calm. Home.


and we're off!!!

The race is on!! Joe, Kiwi and I left Madison on Christmas Day. Poor Kiwiki had no way of knowing what was in store for her. She was a trooper! Four hours later, we're snuggled in our lovely hotel room (thank you Mary!). That was only the beginning! Bright and early--well too early to be bright--we headed to O'Hare. Many many hours and a few complications later, we arrived in Juneau! 

Our landlord told us he'd hook us up. Furnished 1 bedroom apartment. Access to it that night. We arrive to a locked front door. We found a kind soul entering the building that allowed us access. We went to our apartment. If a piss-stained, dog-hair-covered mattress propped against the studio apartment (an apartment with 1, and only 1, closet that you must walk through to reach the bathroom) qualifies as a furnished 1 bedroom, then we got exactly what we were expecting! We were all so excited to finally be in Juneau, that we kept our chins up. I think all 3 of us were scared to death! But none wanted to be the Negative Nancy. Especially on the first night. Besides, it is the "last frontier". What an apt way to spend our first night. We were thrilled to get a knock on the door the following morning from the sweetest lady-our building manager-who immediately ushered us to our real apartment. They'd switched the apartment we were to have. This place is a castle in comparison!! Kiwi did so many speedy laps around the new apartment. Her excitement spoke for us all. Joe and I couldn't stop talking about the shithole we spent our first night in. It was safe to now that we knew we didn't have to see that place again!

We're here and we're happy. Our smiles rarely leave our faces right now. The first day, I walked down to the channel and watched the sun rise. Glistening off of the water. Bald eagles flying overhead. Mountains in all directions. Tears welled up. I have never appreciated the phrase "breathtaking beauty" until that morning. I told Joe that we should really be looking up whether there is a funeral home in this town. I'm afraid there's not. I think on our way to Juneau we somehow wound up in heaven.